Hagain f is a topical solution used in treatment of various hair conditions . It has minoxidil and finasteride in it which useful in many hair problems . FINASTERIDE + MINOXIDIL belongs to a class of combination drug primarily used to treat alopecia ( hair loss). FINASTERIDE+MINOXIDIL stimulates hair growth and slows down the process of balding . It is used to promote hair growth in androgenetic alopecia ( male pattern hair loss). Alopecia is the thinning or loss of hair on the scalp or any part of the body. Androgenetic alopecia is the permanent hair loss from the scalp that causes baldness.


FINASTERIDE+MINOXDIL consist of two medicines, namely minoxidil ( vasodilator ) and finasteride ( 5- alpha-reductase inhibitor). Minoxidil is a vasodilator that widens and the blood vessels and opens potassium channels. This vasodilation process helps provide oxygen blood, and nutrients to the hair follicles,  thereby preventing the hair cell death and promoting new hair growth. Finastride is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor . It reduces dihydrotestosterone (male hormone) levels, thereby preventing thinning of hair follicles in people with androgenetic alopecia(male pattern hair loss).




  • The use of HAGAIN F is considered an effective treatment for hair loss.
  • HAGAIN F , the combination therapy of minoxidil and finasteride works best in the initial stages of male pattern baldness and for males aged between 18 and 40.
  • DHT, a male hormone causes hair loss on the scalp. Finasteride is a DHT blocker, meaning it fights against the effects of DHT on the hair follicles, which is causing the hair to decrease in size and density .minoxidil works by triggering the growth of shrunken hair follicles. It also improves blood circulation in the scalp, leading to an increase in the size and diameter of the hair follicles, causing the hair to be thicker.
  • The working mechanism of finastride and minoxidil do not interfere with each other and hence they are safe when used together.
  • A combination of hagain f leads to reduced hair loss, improved hair growth, and effective results in healthier hair.




This medication can help people with many different types of hair loss, including : male and female pattern hair loss, which is also known as androgenetic  alopecia,  alopecia areata , an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy tissues, including the hair follicles; telogen effluvium in which hair fall out all over the scalp due to an interruption in the body’s cycle of hair production , anagen effluvium , or rapid hair loss resulting from medical treatment , hypotrichosis, which is a rare condition in which very little hair grows on the scalp and body , and some forms of cicatricial, or scarring, alopecia.




Generally , the solution form comes with a spray pump applicator and an extended spray tip applicator. Aim the pump of the spray towards the bald areas of the scalp and pump it once. Then , spread the solution  with your fingertips. A total of six sprays would deliver one ml of the medication. Avoid breathing in the spray mist and wash your hands thoroughly after application. Use the spray pump applicator to apply the solution to large areas of skin and spray-tip applicator on the small areas. Shampoo: Wet your hair with a sufficient quantity of water. Apply the shampoo on the scalp depending on the length of the hair. Massage to lather and leave it on the scalp and hair for a few minutes. Then, thoroughly rinse with water. Avoid contact of shampoo with eyes. In case of accidental contact with eyes, rinse with water thoroughly. Do not blow-dry your scalp after using this product. Do not apply the product on shaved, inflamed, infected, irritated or painful scalp skin. If the medicine gets into your eyes, nose or mouth, broken or irritated skin, rinse with cold water.



Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight


In-Depth Precautions and Warning

Drug Warnings

Tell your doctor before using HAGAIN F if you have a history of liver disease and urinary obstruction (blockage of urine flow). Do not use the topical, if you have high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or cardiac arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythms), sunburn, and psoriasis without a doctor’s advice. Let your doctor know if your allergic to FINASTERIDE+MINOXIDIL or any of its components, such as propylene glycol and ethanol (alcohol). Finasteride in HAGAIN F may be unsafe to use during pregnancy since it may have harmful effects on the foetus. If you are pregnant, planning for pregnancy or breastfeeding mother, Please consult a doctor before using HAGAIN F . Avoid smoking or going near naked flames when you have applied the HAGAIN F since it can catch fire and burn easily. 


Special Advise


  • It is advised to monitor your hormonal and vitamin D profiles, which can affect your hair loss.
  • Avoid contact of HAGAIN F with nose, mouth, eyes or broken, irritated skin as it may irritate. In case HAGAIN F comes in contact with these areas accidentally, rinse with water thoroughly.


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